ISANA NZ delivers the Students Ambassadors programme which offers intercultural training for students. First piloted with the support of Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao in 2020, it can be delivered as a stand-alone programme or to enhance existing student buddy practice. Through the co-planning and delivery of a social event, Student Ambassadors provides leadership opportunities and intercultural learning for both international and domestic students. In particular, international students enjoy social connections with local students who in turn enjoy a rich global citizenship experience. Student Ambassadors offers a next-step extension of the Global Competence Certificate and the Student Ambassadors Award provides a proven incentive for international and domestic students to work together.
The training, which can be customised for individual providers, includes a training workshop and follow-up debrief with programme participants. To learn more about the ISANA Student Ambassador Training Programme please email
The 2021 Education Code of Practice requires tailored support for diverse learners, and it includes a formal requirement to provide training for staff. With the extensive loss of experienced practitioners following the Covid 19 pandemic, and the new Code emphasis on all learners, there is a capacity risk in terms of responding to the unique needs of cross-border learners. ISANA NZ, the only professional body that has been delivering Code-related training for the last twenty years, offers an independent gaps analysis of any aspect of your Code-responsive practice. The analysis draws on an intimate knowledge of the crossborder learner experience, relevant interdisciplinary research and close attention to core intercultural competencies. Recommendations that are offered are supportive, positive and pragmatic.
For more information, please contact