ISANA NZ empowers international education professionals to provide the best possible support for cross-border learners.

We are working to professionalise international education in NZ
As a membership-driven organisation, we are working on establishing modules and credentials that enable international education specialists to learn, grow and progress their careers. 

Our supportive community encompasses all levels of education as well as practitioners in diverse roles and at every stage in their careers. We also advocate to government and funding agencies for the support and resourcing our international education sector needs.
Our Vision & Goals
ISANA NZ’s vision is to promote evidence-based, student-centred practice across the international education sector. These are our key objectives and goals:
Developing and delivering specialist training and professional development resources
Facilitating sector networks and strengthening connections
Delivering well-informed representation for members
Offering innovative leadership across sub-sectors.
Our Team
Chris Beard
Executive Officer
Chris has worked in international education for close to 30 years. He has experience teaching in the tertiary and PTE sectors and leading innovative learner wellbeing initiatives for pathway programmes. Chris helped to develop New Zealand’s first postgraduate course in International Education (EDUC504) which is offered by Victoria University of Wellington’s Masters of Education programme. In 2022, he was invited onto the advisory board for the Australian government's Best Practice - International Student Engagement project. Chris oversees ISANA NZ’s professionalisation work and liaises closely with government officials, peak bodies and education leaders on ISANA NZ’s behalf.
Grace Hickson
Communications Officer
In 2023, Grace joined the ISANA NZ team as our Communications Officer. Grace feels passionate about addressing real-life challenges and designing respective solutions centred around people and the planet. To the role, she brings marketing, communications, and co-design experience. Having completed a semester of university abroad as an exchange student she feels excited to be working in the international education sector.
Katrina Scantlebury
Membership and Engagement Administrator
Katrina joined the ISANA NZ team in 2021 as our Membership and Engagement Administrator. In her role she supports the everyday running of ISANA NZ. Katrina has worked in the not-for-profit sector for over 15 years, primarily in Fundraising as a Direct Marketer. Originally from the UK, after having her second child she relocated to the United Arab Emirates with her husband’s work integrated into the highly culturally diverse society while raising a young family. She moved permanently to New Zealand in January of 2018.
Trust Board
The ISANA NZ Board is an elected, representative and collective body.

The board is responsible for the following:

  • Being the legal authority and representing the interests of members
  • Governance including the setting and monitoring of strategic direction and policy making
  • Ensuring and monitoring that ISANA NZ is performing well, solvent and complying with all legal, financial and ethical obligations
  • Making decisions by consensus and consulting directly with the membership
  • Securing the continued well-being and growth of the organisation
  • Ensuring that ISANA NZ is appropriately managed for the benefit of all stakeholders
  • Employing/ contracting any staff to carry out the day-to-day functions of ISANA.

The Board is chaired by the president, with an additional 6-10 members elected for two-year terms. The terms are staggered so that each year two new members are elected.

If you are interested in seeking nomination to the Board and you are a current member of ISANA NZ, please contact for more information.

Governance Committee
ISANA NZ’s governance committee is elected each year by ISANA NZ members.

The committee members work in different sectors of the international education industry and bring a variety of perspectives, knowledge and skills to their governance role.

Karen Kemsley
ITP - International Student Services Manager, Wintec, Hamilton
Cameron Lock
ITP - Team Leader Student Engagement, UCOL, Palmerston North
Joy Hotter
College Director, Massey University College, Auckland
Alyssa Wolk-Bankier
International Student Services Office - Manager
Julie Bradley
Director of International Education, Lynfield College, Auckland
Elberta Chan
Practice Manager – International Student Support, AUT
Amelia Morrison
International Director, Whangarei Girls’ High School
Louise Silvester
Director of International Students, Avonside Girls’ High School, Chch
Name Portfolio Affiliation Email
Karen Kemsley Vice President International Student Services Manager, Wintec
Cameron Lock Vice President Team Leader Student Engagement, UCOL, Palmerston North
TJ Cloete Treasurer International Student Services Manager, University of Waikato
Carolyn Tait Universities Adjunct Research Fellow, Victoria University of Wellington
Lauree Fuller Schools Director of International Students, St Peter’s School
Elberta Chan Universities Practice Manager – International Student Support, AUT
Alyssa Wolk-Bankier Universities International Student Advisor, University of Waikato
Mary Funari Universities University of Otago Pathway
Our Story
ISANA NZ traces its roots to the Overseas Student Advisers’ Network (OSAN), which was established in 1989 in Australia in response to the growing number of international students. It was later renamed the International Student Advisers’ Network of Australia (ISANA), with a mission to ensure that international students in Australia had a positive experience.

In 2001, the New Zealand branch of ISANA was formed, which evolved into an incorporated trust in 2010. Today, ISANA International Education Association New Zealand Inc. - better known as ISANA NZ - continues to work closely with ISANA Australia to ensure international students have the best possible experience in both countries.

In 2013, ISANA NZ established a second incorporated trust (ISANA New Zealand Charitable Trust Inc) to fund activities such as awards, scholarships, and research projects that benefit the international learner experience.